42 research outputs found

    Digital Material EPUB Based to Understand Tarkib: Is Flipped Classroom Effective?

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    Flipped Classroom strategy is blended learning that build students learning autonomy. However, student learning outcomes in X IPA 2 class of MAN 4 HST on tarkib material is still below the passing grade. Arabic is important to be mastered for better understanding in Islamic teaching from its sources. This study aimed to see and compared the students learning outcomes between the flipped classroom strategy with epub digital book teaching material and traditional strategy. Experimental research was used with a non equivalent control group design and intact group. The experimental class was X IPA 2 which consisted of 26 students and the control class was X IPA 1 which consisted of 29 students. The data were collecting from pretest, treatment, and posttest on the control and experimental class. The results of this study was found out which there was significant difference in the acquisition of learning outcomes. The experimental class which used digital book had better average learning outcomes than the control class which used conventional strategies. The significance value asymp. Sig (2-tailed) was 0.200 which was higher than 0.05. So, there was a significant different from the results of the control and experimental class. This study also rejected that the flipped classroom strategy which was assisted with digital material which based on epub did not gain the significant result or better attitudes rather than the non-flipped classroom. This study contributed to enhancing the learning quality of Arabic in non-language class

    Bringing Local Wisdom-Based Local Government into Practice: A Quadrant Strategy Analysis

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    Managing local government in a multicultural state is a big challenge. Governing style whether using Continental or Anglo-Saxon style cannot be fully implemented in a multicultural state such as Indonesia. Conflict reconciliation in Aceh Province of Indonesia had left some conceptual anomalies including the practice of local government. Local wisdom-based local government implemented in Aceh made the public curiosity aroused on how it was brought into practice. This research was carried out qualitatively with phenomenological approach focusing on strategy of bringing local wisdom-based local government into practice. The result showed some lessons learned from the phenomenon in Aceh such as the success story of conflict reconciliation although not following the standard conflict reconciliation done in many countries, ‘small gifts’ from Aceh, and conceptual anomalies. We proposed some re-conceptualizations on (1) theory of conflict reconciliation, (2) theory of exit and voice, (3) concept of six dimensions of local government, and (4) concept of separatist movement transformation. The proposed strategy on local wisdom-based local government was based on quadrant strategy analysis which combined the directed system of government and identity. Of the four quadrant strategies, local wisdom-based local government can be realized in scenario Quadrant I which combined the self-directed government (decentralized government) system and cosmopolitan identity. The recommended framework also suggested that both local and national wisdom should be concerned at all stage of governing along with quadrant strategy analysis in order to bring local wisdom-based local government into practice. Keywords: local government, local wisdom, quadrant strategy, conceptual anomaly

    Defining Good Public Health Services from Its Satisfactory Perspectives: A Study on Patient Satisfaction at Arifin Achmad General Hospital of Pekanbaru of Indonesia

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    This study aims to reveal the delivery of the inpatient health care at Arifin Achmad General Hospital of Pekanbaru, Riau Province of Indonesia, especially the health care meant for poor patients by looking at the dimensions of organizational commitment of service providers, the level of service satisfaction perceived by patients, and the implementation of service model. The results indicated that (1) organizational commitment is not strong enough to support the achievement of the vision and mission of the hospital as a result of high gaps between the vision and mission and the weak commitment from hospital personnel to implementing a good health care; (2) the level of satisfaction of the overall health care as perceived by patients was quite high which were based on key indicators derived from the patient despite the main and additional indicators showed that the number of items that did not satisfy were more than the items did; (3) a model of health care in the Arifin Achmad General Hospital which is run has not reached the expected level as defined in the hospital 's motto "Your Satisfaction is Our Happiness" and “Service with 5 'S' (Senyum, Salam, Sapa, Sopan, dan Santun)”. The study recommends that (1) the organizational commitment to provide a good health care need to be strengthened to reformulate the vision and mission of the hospital in a manner involving elements of management, employees and service users; (2) to improve patient satisfaction in health care, it needs to improve the effective feedback receiving mechanism through feedback forms in accordance with the characteristics of poor patients they serve and expectations of health services as perceived by service users; (3) implementation of the model of health care in hospitals needs to be reformulated by adding 5 'S' to 7 'S' (Senyum, Salam, Sapa, Sopan, Simpati, Sabar and Semangat) with the involvement of representatives of service users in formulating and evaluating health services delivery so that the hospital’s motto "Your Satisfaction is Our Happiness" can be realized. Keywords: organizational commitment, health services, satisfaction, service model

    Implementasi ecomasjid sebagai gerakan dakwah lingkungan hidup

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kategori Ecomasjid dan implementasi Ecomasjid sebagai gerakan dakwah lingkungan hidup pada Masjid Azzikra, Masjid Manarul Ilmi Institut Teknologi 10 November Surabaya, Masjid At-Tarbiyah dan Masjid Ali Shobuni UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif melalui sedikit penyesuaian karena faktor pandemi Covid 19 dengan menitikberatkan pada kategori konservasi air yang mengacu metode Greenship Homes Versi 1.0 dan kategori pada aspek Imaroh, Riadah, Ri’ayah berdasarkan Lembaga Pemuliaan Lingkungan Hidup dan Sumber Daya Alam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan praktik konservasi air pada Masjid Azzikra dengan cara menggunakan kran hemat air yang dimodifikasi, penampungan air hujan, sumur resapan, lubang biopori, halaman vegetasi dan daur ulang limbah wudhu. Sementara pada Masjid Manarul Ilmi ITS menerapkan daur ulang limbah wudhu yang digunakan untuk keperluan menyiram tanaman dan kegiatan sekunder lainnya serta halaman vegetasi yang dipenuhi tanaman. Praktik konservasi air masih belum menjadi prioritas pada Masjid At-Tarbiyah dan Masjid Ali Shobuni UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Pada aspek Imaroh, Riadah dan Riayah, Masjid Azzikra dan Masjid Manarul Ilmi ITS menerapkan manajemen organisasi professional melalui Yayasan, sementara Masjid Masjid At-Tarbiyah dan Masjid Ali Shobuni UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang masih berpusat pada Universitas yang menunjuk Mahad sebagai pengelola untuk melaksanakan aktivitas ibadah dan kegiatan lainnya. Himbauan menjaga kebersihan, hemat air, membuang sampah pada tempatnya, tidak mengotori Masjid sudah terdapat pada 4 masjid

    Implementasi ecomasjid sebagai gerakan dakwah lingkungan hidup

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kategori Ecomasjid dan implementasi Ecomasjid sebagai gerakan dakwah lingkungan hidup pada Masjid Azzikra, Masjid Manarul Ilmi Institut Teknologi 10 November Surabaya, Masjid At-Tarbiyah dan Masjid Ali Shobuni UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif melalui sedikit penyesuaian karena faktor pandemi Covid 19 dengan menitikberatkan pada kategori konservasi air yang mengacu metode Greenship Homes Versi 1.0 dan kategori pada aspek Imaroh, Riadah, Ri’ayah berdasarkan Lembaga Pemuliaan Lingkungan Hidup dan Sumber Daya Alam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan praktik konservasi air pada Masjid Azzikra dengan cara menggunakan kran hemat air yang dimodifikasi, penampungan air hujan, sumur resapan, lubang biopori, halaman vegetasi dan daur ulang limbah wudhu. Sementara pada Masjid Manarul Ilmi ITS menerapkan daur ulang limbah wudhu yang digunakan untuk keperluan menyiram tanaman dan kegiatan sekunder lainnya serta halaman vegetasi yang dipenuhi tanaman. Praktik konservasi air masih belum menjadi prioritas pada Masjid At-Tarbiyah dan Masjid Ali Shobuni UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. Pada aspek Imaroh, Riadah dan Riayah, Masjid Azzikra dan Masjid Manarul Ilmi ITS menerapkan manajemen organisasi professional melalui Yayasan, sementara Masjid Masjid At-Tarbiyah dan Masjid Ali Shobuni UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang masih berpusat pada Universitas yang menunjuk Mahad sebagai pengelola untuk melaksanakan aktivitas ibadah dan kegiatan lainnya. Himbauan menjaga kebersihan, hemat air, membuang sampah pada tempatnya, tidak mengotori Masjid sudah terdapat pada 4 masjid

    Hybrid learning dalam pembelajaran kosa kata bahasa Arab pada anak berbantuan media al-Mutho

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    This study aims to develop learning media in the form of videos called "Al-Mutho" videos on Haalatul Hadiiqoh material in third-grade students of elementary school. This is qualitative descriptive research and type of case study that aims to determine students' perceptions in using „Al-Mutho” videos. The results showed that students felt happier and eager to learn vocabulary (mufrodat) by using the video "Al-Mutho." Also, students are also able to remember ten new vocabulary words that are taught in one time face to face. This can be seen from the ability of students to answer the questions given quickly and precisely. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the video "Al-Mutho" can be used as an alternative media for mufrodat learning in Arabic for elementary schools

    Distance learning for new students in the era of pandemic Coronavirus Disease (Covid-19): Implementation and barriers

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    The implementation of distance learning during a pandemic era faces various obstacles. This study explores information about how the implementation of distance learning to the first semester of freshmen students (new students) and what obstacles they face. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The data sources consisted of new students, lecturers, and learning result documents. The data were collected by distributing questionnaires using Google Forms, interviews, and document studies. The study results show that the massive application of distance learning in the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang began in March 2020. It coincides with the spread of the coronavirus in Malang City. The data reveals that the implementation of distance learning can be grouped into five categories, namely effective, moderately effective, casual, less effective, and ineffective. The six most frequently complained problems were the low quality of the internet connections, the much spending of buying internet data, the fatigue due to staring at the devices’ screen for too long, the difficulty in accessing references, the poor communications, and the lack of materials comprehension explained by lecturers. However, these six obstacles do not entirely affect the respondents' motivation to learn. As a consequence, improvements in the quality of infrastructure and services have to be carried out to maximize the quality of distance learning

    Blended learning approach in Arabic teaching for non-native speaker students

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    The study attempted to measure the impact of the blended learning approach in Arabic teaching to the non-native speaker students of the Islamic state university in Indonesia. This research employed the quantitative method using the quasi-experimental design. There were 60 students participated in this study, which is divided into 30 students in each of the experimental, and control group. The data gained through the writing test have been analyzed by assisting the SPSS program. The results found that the students’ score in the content got the highest score, and then followed by the grammar. It means that there were students who did not have the good score in Arabic writing through blended learning because only their writing content improved while their grammar did not improve significantly. Overall, the students’ posttest score achievement in the experimental was higher than in the control group. Thus, it is crucial for further study to examine other skills of Arabic by using the blended learning approach

    The urgency of digital literacy for generation z in improving learning of islamic religious education

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    This is very important considering that their daily lives are inseparable from gadgets, especially for Z generation children. The generation born in the early 2000s, namely the Z-generation, is a generation born at a time when technology is so rapidly developing and the beginning of the emergence and development of social media the passion of all generations. Psychologically, this condition makes this Z-generation to have its own personality, psyche and character which is different from previous generations who do not have the postmodern environment setting. It is certainly impossible to educate them with the same educational methods as conventional educational media. For Z-generation their world has become two realms of the world, namely the real world and the virtual world, their virtual world has been set up the same as the real world, there they play, joke, learn, gather, this situation which sometimes makes the portion of their virtual world far away. The purpose of this study was to determine the urgency of students' digital literacy and provide insights related to information retrieval to support classroom learning, especially Islamic religious education. This research is a qualitative research using descriptive analysis techniques with library research. The results of this study reveal that social media is a medium of Islamic religious learning that is relevant in educating Z-generation. The use of social media as a learning medium and student supervision is the right step considering that the Z-generation is actually very familiar with social media, even the portion of their virtual world is sometimes bigger than the portion of their real world